ITW Plexus PC 120 Metal Primer – 900 ML Primer for Methacrylate Adhesive Enhancing Bond Strength to Metals
Plexus Primer/Conditioner PC-120 is a chemical primer and conditioner designed to improve the long term durability of Plexus adhesives when used for adhering aluminium and stainless steel assemblies. Fast drying at ambient temperature, arts can be bonded 1 to 3 minutes after the primer is applied.
Typically water and salt can attack bonded metal structures at the adhesive interface, potentially reducing the overall strength. The active ingredients in the Plexus PC 120 primer allow the adhesive to produce a bond which can resist long term exposure to salt water. Application can be performed by brushing, wiping or spraying.
The primer contains red dye which helps to determine areas that have been covered. Please note: it is important to leave only a thin red film, if a red tint is visible to the eye then sufficient primer has been applied.
Once the primer is dry, the parts are ready to bond.